
REVIEW: Alms for Oblivion – Peter Kemp (1961; Mystery Grove, 2020)

Across these books is the arc of an English law student who, with a certain ideological vigor, abandons his comfortable life in the Isles to throw himself into the dangers, horrors, adventures, and camaraderie of war. But it is a story that has two distinct levels to it: Kemp’s personal trials comprise the obvious tale, but he is also a person active in the machinations of history.

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R.B. Ginsberg and the Sexual Revolution’s Monster

We’ve known for a while now that immigration and the sexual revolution stand at the forefront of contemporary leftist priorities. Taken at their most charitable word, they think America is such a great country that everyone should be allowed to come here, and they believe that sex is the highest of all goods and should not be restricted by any social preconceptions. In practice, no matter how genuine in their beliefs anyone might accuse them of being, these translate into “your country shouldn’t belong to you,” and “any attempt to safeguard properly ordered sexual morality must be condemned.”

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